Saturday, July 16, 2011

Basic information about Alcohol Dependence

 Alcohol Dependence

What is alcohol dependence?

It is considered to be one of the chronic mental disorders which is known for the uncontrolled by a craving for strong alcohol drinks. Individuals who are suffering from this kind of illness (alcohol dependence) are called “alcoholics”. This sometimes becomes the underlying cause of serious harm, including medical disorders, marital difficulties, job loss, or automobile crashes.


What are the signs and symptoms of alcohol dependence?

  • If one has very strong and persistent desire to drink alcohol despite harmful consequences
  • There is inability to control drinking
  • If alcohol is often given higher priority given than other obligations
  • The tolerance to alcohol and the physical withdrawal reaction when alcohol is abruptly discontinued

What are the probable causes of alcohol dependence?

Medical science still cannot determine the concrete causes of alcohol dependence.  However researches believe that it’s somehow genetic, psychological and social factors influence to its development.  Studies proved that alcoholism has been running in some families - alcoholics are 6 folds probability than nonalcoholic to have blood relatives who are alcohol dependent.  Researchers had long deliberations whether these familial patterns are results of genetics, common home environment including having alcoholic parents and relatives.   The risk of alcoholism and related disorders in adult were aggravated by conduct disorders and other childhood disorders.
Psychoanalytic theory points to people with harsh superego and self-punitive turn to alcohol to diminish unconscious stress.


How many suffers from alcohol dependence?

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nearly 140 million people worldwide suffer from alcohol dependence and 78% are not treated.
  • Men are three times more likely than women to become alcoholics
  • People aged 65 and older have the lowest rates of alcohol dependence.

What are some important measures to be done with alcohol dependence?

The best methods to treat alcohol dependency vary, depending upon an individual's medical and personal needs.
  • There are some heavy drinkers who recognize their problem appear to recover on their own.
  • While others recover from this illness through participation in the programs of anonymous alcoholics or other self-help groups.
  • Some alcoholics require long-term individual or group therapy, which may include hospitalization
  • Treatment can also be done in community setting
  • Prognosis is good even if a person is pressured into treatment
  • Patients who come for voluntary treatment have the best prognosis
  • Voluntary mutual help organizations play a large role in the treatment
  • Effective alcohol control policies are also needed

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