Monday, July 18, 2011

Basic information about Assisting the Patient with a Bedpan or Urinal

Assisting the Patient with a Bedpan or Urinal

The equipment used in assisting patient with bedpan or urinal

1. Bedpan or Urinal with cover
2. Rubber protector and cover
3. Toilet Paper
4. Douche Pitcher with warm water (un-sterile)
5. Basin of warm water
6. Soap
7. Hand Towel (bath towel may also be used)

Procedure in assisting patient with Bedpan or Urinal

1. Prepare all equipment and bring to bedside and them place bedpan or chair.
2. Provide privacy to the patient.
3. Fold diagonally upper flap of top sheet near you.  Ask the patient to flex the legs.  Lift the buttocks slightly and simultaneously slip the rubber protector and cover under the buttocks.
4. Remove bedpan cover, Fold and tuck under mattress at the foot of the bed then place bedpan along side of patient. The patient is placed in a comfortable position to facilitate elimination.
5. Help patient lift under the lower lumbar region.  With the free hand slip bedpan under buttocks.  Make sure the patient the patient is comfortable and is in such a position where she will be able to void and/or defecate, without wetting herself or the bed.
6. Place call bell within patient’s reach with instructions to call when through. Weak patients are not left alone when on the bedpan.
7. Assist patient to clean herself. This is done to insure thorough cleaning of patient.
8. Assists patient to lift herself as you remove the bedpan, rubber protector and cover.  Place bedpan on chair and cover with bedpan cover immediately. Assisting will avoid too much strain on the part of the patient.  Covering the bedpan will eliminate embarrassment.
9. Assist patient to wash her hands and then make her comfortable. Washing of the hands is a good health habit.
10. Take all used equipment to the utility room.
11. Observe contents of bedpan before emptying into the aeroflush. Accurate observation is of utmost importance and helpful in the diagnostic of the patient’s illness.
12. Take back equipment to the bedside. All equipment is kept in the table for neatness and facility for next use.

Important Points to Remember in Giving and Removing Bedpan

1. Insure privacy so that tension is relieved and patient’s sphincters are relaxed.
2. Bedpan should be warmed to help the patient to relax.
3. Bedpan should never be left on the floor and should be emptied and cleaned immediately.

Procedure in Giving Bedpan to the Patient

1. Warm the bedpan in the utility room by pouring warm inside and rotating the water around the sides of the bedpan.
2. Cover the bedpan and bring to the patient’s bedside.  Screen the patient.
3. Place the bedpan on the chair at the side of the bed.
4. Hang cover on the foot of the bed or over the back of the chair.
5. Turn back the top sheet without exposing the patient.
6. Flex the patient’s knees and see that the gown or pajama is out of the way.
7. With the other hand, slide the bedpan under the buttocks.
8. Place one hand under the buttocks and help the patient raise his buttocks.
9. Unless contraindicated, raise the patient to the backrest position.  Put the patient in a favorable position for elimination by either elevating head of bed or by placing a small pillow rolled towel under the lumbar region.
10. Place the toilet paper and the call light within easy reach of the patient.
11. Leave the room or unit unless the patient is too weak to be left alone.

Procedure in Removing Bedpan from the Patient

1. Give the toilet paper to the patient.  If the patient is too ill, the nurse is responsible for cleaning the patient.
2. Flex the patient’s knees.  With one hand, raise the buttocks of the patient and remove the bedpan with the other hand.
3. Place the bedpan cover at once and place on the chair.
4. Straighten the top sheet and adjust the back and knee rest.
5. Wash the patient’s hands with soap and water.  Rinse and dry with hand towel.
6. Carry the covered bedpan to the utility room.
7. Empty contents into toilet bowl.  Rinse thoroughly in cold water with bedpan brush. Scald with hot water afterwards.
8. Place in rack to drain.
9. Wash your hands thoroughly.

Procedure with the Bedpan if the Patient does not need Assistance

1. Cover the urinal with a urinal cover and take to the bedside.
2. Place the urinal on the other side of the bed without removing the cover.  If the patient does not need assistance, leave the unit.
3. Be sure that the light is within easy reach.
4. Return to bedside when the patient turns on the signal light.
5. Take the covered urinal to the utility room.
6. Measure urine if an output order is required.
7. Empty and rinse the urinal.  Wash and return to its proper place.

Procedure with the Bedpan if the Patient needs Assistance

1. Fold back the top sheet and bring down the pajamas taking care not to expose the patient.
2. Separate the legs slightly so that the urinal can be placed between them.
3. With one hand holding the urinal, raise the penis the other hand and direct it to the opening of the urinal.
4. After the patient has finished, slowly remove the urinal by withdrawing it from the patient’s legs.
5. Cover with urinal cover and place on the chair. Make the patient comfortable.
6. Measure the urine if an output record is required.
7. Empty the urinal, rinse and place it in the proper place.

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